The “LOTOALOFA” Resort Project – Awaken To Your Full Potential In Life In The Most Uplifting And Transformational Environment.

The South Pacific is certainly one of the very few Paradises left in the world and among all the South Pacific Islands, Samoa is one of the most beautiful with its untouched nature, strong living culture, and safe environment with no dangerous animals and sea life.
After 15 years of experience in operating and building resorts on the island, one simple secret has been the key to a huge success. Simply showing and teaching every aspect of the unique culture and the way life is lived every day.
Investment benefits are great in Samoa, not only because the government favours the tourism industry with tax holidays, but also because of the very low minimum payment rate of US$ 2 / hour and that English is widely spoken and understood.
The proposed resort site is exceptional in many ways with its fine white sand and no corals, reaching far out from the beachside. A large reef, building a quiet lagoon, safe for swimming at all times, protects the site. The not yet surveyed land stretches 5 km inland, through a tropical forest, before reaching the main road. The size of the land will therefore depend on the requirements. The land can be leased for 30 years with an option to extend another 30 years.
This unique 4-star resort can be reached in about 45 minutes from the international airport or the capital city Apia. The resort will provide 30 bungalows (including overwater bungalows) in various categories, all luxuriously equipped and made in traditional Samoan style. A budget living area will also be available with 20 traditional Fales (huts). A seafront tree restaurant will be built in one of the large banyan trees on the land. The site will also include a SPA, fitness, diving facilities a cultural experience center, and much more.
The resort will focus on giving the guests a genuine Samoan experience in totally natural surroundings, showing and teaching the Samoan skills in handicrafts, herbal medicine, and dancing plus offering local cuisine.
Obviously, we care about the environment and will therefore make use of solar power and efficient wastewater treatment. We will grow organic fruits and vegetables on our own plantations.
Samoa is in a strong growth phase when it comes to tourism and currently, we receive about 60.000 real tourists/year into the country. This is predicted to grow quickly with the new upgrade of the international airport and new flights from China. The current main markets are New Zealand, Australia, and the USA.
The main reason for coming to Samoa is romance & relaxation, weddings, culture, sports, local food, and a unique Samoan Experience.
Our calculated total investments for the resort would be US$ 9,465.000. The operating costs for the first year would be US$ 1,018.630. The net profit over 5 years will be US$ 10,884.174 with lots of scopes to increase rates over time.
There is always a small risk for natural disasters on all South Pacific islands. During the last 100 years, we have had 10 major events of natural disasters in Samoa, mainly hurricanes and one tsunami. All resort buildings will be insured against hurricanes, earthquakes, fire, and tsunamis.
The Team: We have assembled a local experienced team to manage and operate the resort.